Monday 14 June 2010

Girls I have teased.

1 comment:

headsknowbest said...

Strange how the girls teased all end up looking like each other. To my eye, unpracticed as it is in defining true familial occurrences - offering, as it is, only a monocular on the past - I would say they were sisters. In my childhood there were star performers:the Andrews Sisters and the Beverly Sisters. But I don't think this is a picture of a singing set of sisters, although if they did sing I know I should like them more than the Boswell Sisters who wowed my parents, long before my birth, with their 1930s Vaudeville comedy act. I am also wondering if this was, in fact, a pointed reunion of non-singing sisters; a challenging throwing down of the baton to sibling brothers who might, perhaps successfully,have banged the drum and blown the trumpet in a Stockhausen composition.