In order to get inside my plane spotters head I decided to go out to Heathrow to spot a few planes of my own.
I refuse to use the underground system in London ( it is Hot, smelly, overcrowded and prone to failure) and therefore walked to Paddington in order to catch the Heathrow express.
Sitting in my carriage opposite me were a young couple; a conservative MP I recognised from the tabloids and chat shows (I have no idea as to his political thinking) and his wife. As we passed through the graffiti strewn Royal Oak and Westbourne Park the MP made unpleasant noises about the vandalism of the artists responsible; I think he said 'string em all up'!

I pointed out that it was just a means of expression for a dissatisfied youth and wouldn't it be better to remove the cause of that dissatisfaction rather than the expression of it.
He said nothing.
A little later I asked where they were flying to.
Italy. He replied.
Ah, Chiantishire. I said.
No! He replied pompously. The bay of Naples and Pompeii actually!
Such wonderful grafitti. I observed.

His wife smiled beautifully.
1 comment:
Graffiti, Richard Freeman (Hutchinson, 1966) contains the following snipped of wisdom: "You think you are genioses but you are only dops."
Or how about this gobbet of old school wisdom?
i I am an undie admirer
I like to wear Pink Frilly Briefs
Black Bra White Frilly Slip -
White suspenders, beige stockings
and a pleated skirt
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