Monday 6 December 2010

Gallery 'pop up' in Cafe Ravenous, Portobello Road.

Some sort of Phoenix is rising, albeit temporarily, from the ashes of the notorious Cafe Ravenous. Sabrina Rowan Hamilton and others are running a pop up gallery from Thursday until the 24th... 

Art, chai and cupcakes, among other things, replacing iniquity (I am informed) plus more than likely a ghost of the  mayhem of old will put in an appearance. 

David miles
Sabrina Rowan Hamilton
Luke Dickinson
will be popping up an exhibition stroke cafe
where you can drink chai and fairy cakes or buy art
at (bargain basement clear out the studio time prices)
its christmas time

Times and info HERE

Murray Lachlan Young's TMS Ashes Poem

Saturday 4 December 2010

Naughty and Nice,Tabernacle, Paradise Point, the Island experiment, Blair and very naughty at Maison Du Chien.

Ok. Friday night. Cold but not too cold to get up the road to Naughty and Nice at the Tabernacle; a party put on in order to collect toys for needy children at this time of year.  The toys go to kids in hostels for Women suffering from domestic violence. Please check out the web site. and make a donation.

the Tabernacle in winter begins to look less like a church and more like a place to party. First up were 'Paradise Point'; a young and I understand unsigned band that will not remain so for much longer; A bunch of (all importantly) cool looking guys who are happy to put on a performance with some great up beat songs - a very pleasant change from the usual 'blokes with beards and guitars singing about dead things'- there was joy in the room.  A celebrity dad in the audience seemed pleased even though there was a technical hitch or two. A great new band. check them out.

Wade and his Island Experiment crew brought his blend of bonkers somewhere south of the borders madness followed by Blair.

I'd never heard of Blair... I have now.  check him out too!

I popped into Maison Du Chien on the way home (this is why I love Notting Hill, it really is on my way home) and took in some of Mat's Cabaret du Jour: in this case a brilliant New Yorker called Sxip Shirey with a bizarre musical act that needs to be seen and heard to be believed, followed by a 'fan dance' that decency does not allow me to describe... Fantastic. (Oops a pun). Hopefully these acts will be performing at Medium Rare at Christmas.  Medium Rare is Mat's Big thing, I'm going!  A free entry to the first person to ask. email me.

Trouble with the Muse.

I'm not having much luck with the Muse these days. The last one was definitely less than the sum of her parts.

Jan 'phoned from Antwerp suggesting I stick to painting by numbers in future.

I told him I was feeling pretty numb as it was but that is probably down to my new tipple; a splash of Jack Daniels in a glass of fizzy white...

I've turned to Art again, putting together a piece incorporating the most dangerous toothbrush in London alongside a portrait of the Virgin Mary.

The toothbrush is yellow!

The Lexi Cinema and Sally Wilton.

I didn't know too much about the Lexi until I read this in the FT

Star of the green screen

By Penny Wark
Published: December 3 2010 22:09 | Last updated: December 3 2010 22:09
Sally Wilton
Grounded: Sally Wilton with Lickers the cat
:We all make assumptions, and one of mine is that if an entrepreneur has sold a business for £21m she will live in
a swanky house. So why am I standing outside a pleasant but ordinary Edwardian end terrace in London’s Kensal Rise?
The clue is in the shy woman who opens the door, and the quirky building a few hundred yards away that announces on 
its front wall, “I AM CINEMA, LOVE ME”. This is The Lexi cinema, a thriving art house centre that serves as a focus for the
 community around it, and sends its profits to Lynedoch, an eco village in South Africa. Sally Wilton is the chief executive, 
although these days she works for nothing. Or at least not for personal gain. READ MORE

Ethically fabulous in Nottingt Hill.

Ethical Just Got Fabulous

Get Christmas wrapped up early with Ethical Just Got Fabulous
Magic 105.4 has joined forces with Ethical Just Got Fabulous to host the first ethical pop-up department store in Britain. Held in Notting Hill’s glamorous 20th Century Theatre over Saturday 4 – Sunday 5 December, Ethical Just Got Fabulous’s unique event will feature A-list stars and boutique brands, including Livia Firth of Eco-Age and award-winning designer Izzy Lane.
Shoppers will be able to browse a unique selection of gifts, as well as clothing, accessories, homewares, jewellery and handpicked stocking fillers. Visitors will be treated to live jazz, mulled wine and a raffle for a chance to win a Fabulous Christmas Hamper worth £1,000. Proceeds from the raffle will go directly to Magic 105.4’s Cash for Kids, find out more here.
Showcasing the very best ethical brands that embody both fair trade principles and essential style, doors open on Saturday 4th December 10am - 6pm and Sunday 5th December 11am – 5pm and it's free entry for all. So why not pop down and get Christmas wrapped up the fabulous way!

For more information click HERE

Friday 3 December 2010


Naughty or Nice.

Troy Davis Campaign by Amnesty International

Troy Davis: Making the invisible visible
Troy Davis: Making the invisible visible
About this video:
"Troy Davis has spent 19 years on death row in the USA despite doubts about his conviction. German street art collective Mentalgassi have teamed up with Amnesty International to highlight his case by creating unique lenticular fence posters across London. Take action for Troy at:

Thursday 2 December 2010

I'm in love...

I received this lovely email yesterday... It is a joy to know that there are still honest and genuine women out there.

I especially like the 'cheers' at the end; so romantic.

This reminds me of being hit on by Clive Cooke's favourite daughter.

anna wea

My name is Miss Anna ,
I am a nice young lady seeking for my heartthrob and love because i am tired of loneliness and dull life i searched and saw your contact on google and accepted you believing we match each other for love and friendship .

I look up to you to extend your hand of love and friendship as i did . Remember that distance , race , age , language , color , tradition , creed , religion and culture are no barrier to our relationship of real love and lasting friendship . It is only our positive interest of love that matters . I will tell you more about myself when i receive your reply .

Cheers ,
Miss Anna .

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Medium Rare at Christmas.

facebook abuse; paedophiles, fraudsters, groomers and lotharios. Oh. And Cocaine.

Yesterday I received a warning from the 'Morality Police' at facebook, informing me that they had removed my 'Cocaine at Christmas' group; A group I set up to link to a blog asking Coke heads to give the price of a gramme to charity this Christmas. Apparently someone took offence to it, didn't read it, just took offence. So fb pulled it.


 to me


The event "Give cocaine to a child this Christmas" has been removed because it violated our Terms of Use. Among other things, events that are hateful, threatening or obscene are not allowed. We also take down events that attack an individual or group, or advertise a product or service. Continued misuse of Facebook's features could result in your account being disabled.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page at

The Facebook Team

This is the same facebook which allows paedophiles, groomers, perverts, sad idiots and fantasists to sneak around their network using aliases by the dozen, preying on the lonely, the sad, the insecure, the needy, the mentally ill and the downright gullible.

Facebook continues to allow these people access knowing full well that they are hiding behind aliases; some of them so obvious that a two year old child would recognise them as fraudulent, such is its desire to amass 'members'. There is absolutely no control over who joins under false names.I am putting together a list of those people known to me to be using aliases for nefarious reasons. I will publish it at a later date.

You can report these frauds but fb does nothing.... However post a photograph of a nursing mother and you are howled down by the 'Morality' police out there; after they have finished ogling over page 3 girls in their daily Sun of course.

Example: A pathetic accounts clerk working for the Social Services in a provincial Local Authority spends his working day on fb using an alias by which means he grooms sad, lonely and vulnerable women for his sexual gratification. The worst aspect of this is that he works for the Social Services; surely the last place you want this kind of person.  I am not making this up, I have statements from previous 'Victims' as well as reams of transcripts from his fb page. I also have copies of emails sent by him during office hours in which he is continuing his 'grooming' organising B&B's for meetings etc.  Some of them are quite obscene and not what you would want to expect from a civil servant.  This man also has at least three other aliases including an email address in a woman's name.  He also uses fb for stalking purposes. I wonder who's computer he is using?

I am led to believe that this man is now under investigation by his employers. Let's hope so. I will be asking for their comments on this matter.

I am also taking legal advice as to whether I can publish his false names on this blog... Surely I can as he is clearly contravening the fb 'rules' and obviously breaking his employment contract by conducting this business during company hours. (All the fb and email transcripts are helpfully timed and dated).

All said and done fb is not a responsible organisation and as such should not be allowed to police itself. And how do you remove the abusers? Easy in Britain; you demand individuals N.I. number as proof of identity rather than relying on a simple email address.

Problem solved.

Oh. You Cokeheads out there. Give the price of a gramme to charity this Christmas and go play in the real snow.