Friday, 30 July 2010

Overseas readers, punctuation and beer.

I often wonder what my overseas readers think of this blog; I know I have one or two who regularly look in. Perhaps they are expats who want a reminder of dear old blighty.

I get very few comments posted so have little feedback, which is a shame; I have even tried bad punctuation in the hope that I will draw out the colon fanatics, sadly to no avail.

I do hope however that if they ever visit London they will let me know in advance... I can then buy them a beer in the Cow.

1 comment:

headsknowbest said...

I had a coloscopie a couple of years ago thanks to the fanaticism of the French health care system and it quite removed any prior interest I had had in punctuation which is why this sentence has none despite the fact that it would be improved if I added a couple of commas here and there and I am sure that you can spot the likely locations herein.

I am not missing Blighty at all and the long shot of Grayson Perry's shaved legs makes me thankful for the move away from Cornwall and proximity to the road where he doubtless roared with his over paid for motorbike. Who needs more celebrity porn? Thankfully he talks more sense than making it!

The attraction of the blog for me is quasi fraternal and reading it punctuates my life with an injection of an existence so different to mine. I also enjoy the way this blogger writes and check his output daily. I have a tendency to monopolise the comments box because it remains resolutely empty otherwise and I can practice my grasp of the English language. How am I doing?