Saturday 25 September 2010

Jan, dripping and Crapsurfer.

Jan called round this morning. I awoke to find him nervously eyeing the vacuum cleaner.

Neither of us was inclined to switch it on.

I made him breakfast... Hamburger, egg, sauteed potatoes all cooked in beef dripping. Traditionally this ensemble requires baked beans but neither of us could be arsed to go downstairs to the shop so we did without.  Jan said:

'Apparently there are millions of unfortunate people in this country who do not have a corner shop underneath them.  How sad'. 

He went on to thank me for the splendid meal; the likes of which the politically correct will never taste. Poor fools.

I do sense however that beneath his veneer of jocularity Jan is not feeling well today.  He is after all very old and should be taking things easy.

Today I became a Crapsurfer.

By the way. If you don't know how to spell a word just put a capital letter on it and the Spellcheck thing will leave you alone.

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